Provider Name: | Kestrel House School |
Provider type: | Special School |
Address: | Kestrel House School, 104 Crouch Hill, Hornsey, London,N8 9EA
Telephone: | 020 8348 8500 |
Mobile No.: | Not Available |
Email: | admin@kestralhouseschool.co.uk |
Last Inspection Outcome: | Good |
Last Inspection Report Link: | https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/inspection-reports/find-inspection-report/provider/CARE/135683 |
Daily Session Times: | Not Available |
Total Vacancies: | No Vacancies |
Costs: | Contact provider for details |
Provider Additional Information: | Not Available |
Age Groups: | 5 years to 16 years |
Availability: | Term Time Only |
Web Site: | https://kestrelhouseschool.co.uk/ |
Schools Visited: | Not Available |
Publication Url: | Not Available |
Service Description: | Kestrel House School is a special school which specially and exclusively meets the needs of pupils with Autism and associated complex needs and learning difficulties. We have classes for pupils from Reception right through to the end of Year 11. (5 – 16 years of age). Kestrel House School is part of a nationwide group of schools and the proprietors are Acorn Care and Education. All pupils who attend Kestrel House School have an Education, Health and Care Plan, this identifies Kestrel House as the most appropriate school provision for the young person and will give details of what must be put in place to meet each individual’s needs; this may include access to our Speech and Language and Occupational Therapists. The Education, Health and Care Plan identities a pupil’s primary and additional needs. These needs and related progress are reviewed annually in collaboration with parents and carers through the Annual Review of the Education, Health and Care Plan. The pupils’ personal, social and academic progress together with the progress made against their individual objectives written into the Education, Health and Care Plan are monitored regularly by the Head teacher, the Leadership Team and the Therapists. Where pupils are not making expected progress staff work together to design, implement and evaluate interventions to remedy the situation. The school will communicate with parents about interventions and strategies, and will work alongside parents and carers to enable generalisation of skills to home. |