William Bellamy Primary School Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club

Main Details

William Bellamy Primary School Breakfast Club
020 8270 6506
William Bellamy Primary School,
School Site,
Frizlands Lane,
Dagenham,RM10 7HX

Service Provided

Provider Additional Information:
At William Bellamy we feel that our pupils’ emotional and social wellbeing is extremely important and is vital to enable them to make as much academic progress as possible. Our vision is our pupils are confident learners who are proud of their achievements. We want every pupil to feel that their school is a safe place and we will give them the tools to ensure that they know how to keep themselves emotionally and physically safe. For some pupils this is more difficult, as a school we have an extensive Nurture Team and Family Support Team who also provide that much needed care for our pupils and their families as and when they require it.

School Operated Breakfast Club open from 7.30am, £5

Additional Details

Last Inspection Date:
Last Inspection Outcome:


  • £5.00 per session

Opening Times

When is it on?:
  • Monday: 07:30 - 08:15
  • Tuesday: 07:30 - 08:15
  • Wednesday: 07:30 - 08:55
  • Thursday: 07:30 - 08:55
  • Friday: 07:30 - 08:55