Whitehall Primary School

School Nursery

About Provider

Service Description:
At Whitehall Nursery we see every child as strong confident and competent.

Children who have their own strong ideas.

Children are encouraged to express opinions and make confident choices.

Together, children learn about respecting other people, co-operating and sharing.

We are proud to be developing our practice in ‘Sustained Shared Thinking’ and ensuring our children have a voice.

We know the difference early years provision can make to the life chances and opportunities that children have access to in later life; we value conversation, language and the ability to communicate effectively.

We use Development Matters to inform our practice as a guide to ensuring our provision meets the needs of all learners.

Contact Details

90 Normanton Park,
London,E4 6ES
0208 529 3813

Ofsted Details

Ofsted Reference:

Service Information

Total Vacancies:
No Vacancies
Registered for 2yr Old Funding:
Registered for 3/4yr Old Funding:
Offers Extended Hours:
Offers Stretched Entitlement:
Term Time Only